Posted tagged ‘short stories’

New commercial audiobook

October 6, 2015

As I mentioned earlier, I now have another audiobook available on Audible. This time it is a collection of gentle cat-related little stories called Herding Cats and written by a very nice chap called Christopher J. F. Gibson.

I’ve been a cat-lover since my early childhood, and when our last cat departed this life, we wondered if we would ever be able to bear having another – he and his adopted sister had both lived to eighteen and were such characters that they seemed irreplaceable. However, the cat-shaped hole in our lives was too big, and it was time for a visit to the cat rescue centre. My brief was not to look at any orange cats (too much like Oscar).

“Ah!” said the lovely lady, “so you’d like two cats? We have a four-month old brother and sister whose owner has been evicted. Follow me!” And a small ball of grey fluff immediately wound around my legs. “This is Winifred,” said my guide. “And her brother is rather shy.” I peeped over the partition. “DO NOT LOOK!” I said to my son. Of course he did. There was a tiny, terrified orange person huddled in the corner. Well… the rest, of course, is history.

It transpired, however, that the charming little female ball of fluff was, in fact, male. Winifred has become Fred and is now a fluffy-tailed feline dictator. The terrified small orange person is now an anarchist whose favourite pastime is leaping on to the top of doors.

So… these stories immediately struck a chord with me.

Herding Cats by Christopher J. F. Gibson
43 mins
Audible UK £3.09 Audible USA $3.95
(I don’t think much of that exchange rate.)

As usual I have some complimentary review copies to give away. Drop me a line if you would like one, and please specify whether US or UK.

LibriVox and Charles Dickens

February 8, 2012

I may be a day late as Dickens’s birthday was yesterday, but we at LibriVox will be working away throughout the 200th anniversary year to bring you as many of Dickens’s lesser-known works as possible.

Already, there are LibriVox recordings of all his great novels – many have a choice of recordings. Now, we are working our way through his other works, including short stories, magazine articles, letters, speeches and poetry.

Volume 1 of our Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection was released yesterday on the great man’s birthday, and we have several more volumes in progress.

This volume has short stories, articles, speeches and poetry. If you have never managed to get to grips with one of his vast novels, do try listening to some of his shorter stories, or one of his rants about the many things that he disagreed with. He is remarkably funny at times.

You may also be interested in the short Dickens-flavoured podcast that I hosted this week. Lucy Perry, Martin Geeson and Andy Minter tell us why they have come to like Dickens, and there are short excerpts of some recordings too, to give you an idea of what there is to enjoy.

LibriVox Christmas Collections

December 20, 2011

2011 Christmas Short Works Collection
2011 Christmas Carol Collection

The festive season looms again, and once more we invite you to sample the fare of our Christmas collections at LibriVox. As usual, they are a mixture of the traditional and the unfamiliar. Every year we discover absolute gems from the dusty basements of the Internet Archive.

This time, I found a delightful poem called Santa Claus in a 1907 book imaginatively titled Christmas.

Or, how about a real tear-jerker of a short story by Bret Harte: Santa Claus at Simpson’s Bar, wonderfully read by Don Jenkins?

And how can you possibly resist David Wales reading Julius Adolphus Jenkins’s Christmas Alligator?

These and many more are included in the 2011 Christmas Short Works Collection. It’s a feast – don’t miss it!

The 2011 Christmas Carol Collection is equally varied: fancy a rock version of We Three Kings? We have it. 8th century Latin words set to music by Gustav Holst? We have that too. An old version of Twelve Days of Christmas sung by LOTS of LibriVoxateers… my own contributions of some wonderful folk carols rescued from oblivion by Cecil Sharp in the early 1900s… a very professional performance of Gesù Bambino by Susan K. Hawthorne… and much more.

Much fun had by all. 🙂 Happy Christmas, everybody!

LibriVox Sixth Anniversary 10th August 2011

August 9, 2011

On August 10th, 2011, LibriVox is six years old. Hurray!

For the first time ever, I have dared to host a LibriVox podcast. It’s quite different from recording books that someone else wrote, and a little unnerving, and of course I had to go for a big one: The LibriVox 6th Anniversary Podcast.

Read more about it and listen to it on this page:

We also decided to repeat last year’s anniversary short works collection. Last year, LibriVoxers found 55 short works with ‘five’ in the title.

Naturally, this year we had to go one better: 66 short works of the most amazing variety, all with ‘six’ in the title. Seven of them from me – yes, greedy as always, I couldn’t stop at six. Poetry, short stories, even a song from the 1917 Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic.

Here it is: